Our Story

As a young boy in the early-mid 1970's, I remember visits with my grandparents and sitting at their breakfast table watching my Grandpa Jack pore over the stock tables in the Wall Street Journal.  Occasionally he would also refer to his Value Line Survey to cross-reference something, and I would always ask him questions, fascinated by the rows and columns of tiny numbers & statistics. 

Jack C. Aves had come here as a small boy from Eastern Europe in the years following the Bolshevik Revolution and World War I.  He lived through the great depression, started a business, a family, sent his two sons to college (followed by grad school and Dental School), bought a luxury condo in Miami, then retired at the beginning of the Oil Crisis and the recession that followed.  He never spent a day in High School, yet amazingly - between his retirement and his death in 2000, he more than tripled his net worth - and lived quite comfortably supplementing his social security with his dividends and clipping his muni-bond coupons.  He was my hero. 

Because of my Grandfather, from an early age I developed a life-long fascination with the stock market and investing.  I wanted to be like him and make my fortune as an investor!

30 years ago, inspired by Grandpa Jack, I entered the securities industry not eight months following the aftermath of the 1987 "Black Monday" crash.   This was not a great time to begin a career as a Stockbroker, in fact it was probably one of the worst for this profession.  The collapse of “Junk Bonds”, the Savings & Loan crisis, a long recession and the first Gulf War were only a few years away, but I was committed to following Jack's example, and make my career building wealth for others.  Back then in August 1988, the Dow Industrial Average was below 2000, the S&P 500 was below 268, and the NASDAQ Composite was below 800.  In the years since then a lot has happened: two wars in Iraq, five US Presidents have come and gone, three Popes, three recessions, two collapses in the US Banking system, a "Dot.com" bubble, a real estate bubble, the rise of the Internet, the demise of cassette tapes and vinyl records, the rise and fall of Blockbuster Video, the fall and rebirth of Apple Computer, and the birth of a globally digitally-interconnected world.

Over these past 30+ years, through good times and bad, wars and recessions, I have managed individual portfolios and building wealth as equity prices grew by over 1000%.    

Today, Susquehanna Wealth Assurance Group delivers portfolio risk-management strategies developed and field-tested for over a generation to individuals, small businesses, foundations, pensions, endowments, and charitable foundations, helping them to plan for the future, make them educated investors, and pursue their financial goals. 

As it was when I began this journey straight out of college, our team is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in our relationship with our clients.  We work hard to know and understand your unique financial circumstances, your hopes and concerns and provide you with only the highest quality information, services, and products to help you and your loved ones work toward your financial goals, and your dreams...